Alas, the grand alchemist has fallen ill and left you, his apprentice, in charge of operating the shop. Worry not! Use your master's notes and your physical copy of "Ye Olde Booke of Magick" to follow along the recipes and brew the potions. But beware — potion making is a dangerous and elusive art; pay close attention to the instructions, or else...

Playable by 1 highly-motivated player, or better, 2–3 players with one interacting while the rest help read the book.


When you start the game you'll find a note summarizing what essence or elixirs you need to create for your potions. 
Use the complementary Ye Olde Booke of Magick (there's a link to a pdf below) to figure out what ingredients are needed for each essence, how to identify them in your pantry, as well as precisely how to use them!
Read carefully, though, because the instructions are cryptic and a single mistake could mean failure.


Move using the mouse, grab/use items with left mouse button and return items using right mouse button.

Made in less than 48 hours in the Global Game Jam 2025

The theme was "Bubble"
Art by Ido Leshem
Game Design by Assaf Friedman
Programming by Danny Marcowitz & Dor Nevo
Music & Sound by Bar Harel

Updated 21 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorsCheesebear Games, leshido, Dor, Marco, McThreepwood
Made withUnity
Tagsggj25, Magic, party-game, Point & Click
Average sessionA few minutes
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 4


Ye Olde Booke of Magick 1.1 MB


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It's amazing you have created a full-blown book during a jam!


Fun! I'm having trouble getting the knife to work. Is there a trick?

Hi! Glad you're enjoying it.
No real trick to it, but it doesn't work on everything. If something can't be cut past a certain amount (or at all), chances are you don't need to cut it.  :) 

Also, only one ingredient can be placed on the board at a time. So everything that's on the board needs to be removed before the next ingredient can be placed (if you have no use for all the parts of a cut ingredient, just toss what you don't need in the trash).


It seems like the Blood Fungus can't be cut, but the Liquid Entropy recipe says I need to cut it in half.  I'm trying to do it "with swift hands" in case it's on a timer, but I can really only move so fast :(


I am having the same issue.

Hi, that was indeed a bug, thank you both for catching it. We've uploaded a fix so Blood Fungus should be cuttable now and used as per the instructions :)